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Christmas at King's Community

Christmas Series – Sundays at 10 a.m.

The four gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John each introduce Jesus from a unique perspective. They present him as different things to different audiences. He is the fulfillment of hope, the sacrifice for sins, the Savior of the world, and God in the flesh. There is truly no one like Jesus. This holiday season you’re invited to join us at King’s Community as we look at the different facets of Jesus that make him magnificent in our Advent series, The Story of Christmas.

 King’s Community Church
5231 FM482, New Braunfels, TX 78132

Christmas Service

December 23rd 6:00pm

If ever there was an opportunity for God to enact his plan with a majestic flourish, it was at Jesus’ birth. But God did not presume upon humanity when he stepped in to redeem it. There was no pretense in this arrival. Rather, God chose to identify in the humblest way with those made in his image. The story of Jesus’ birth in Luke mixes praise with simplicity. The contrast between the birth’s commonness and the child’s greatness could not be greater. The promised one of God enters creation among the creation. Jesus’s birth sparks joy, surprise, and wonder. God has put the hope of the world where anyone in the world can reach him.

Join us Monday, December 23rd for our Christmas Service
Doors will open at 6pm with cookies and cocoa!
Service will begin at 6:30 pm

*Childcare for infants and toddlers available.

Family Service

Sunday, December 15th at 10 a.m.

Sunday, December 15 at 10 a.m. is our Family Christmas Service. During this service our King’s Kids ministry will perform a special song.

After the service we will assemble resource bags for our neighbors in need. Stay after service for a time of fellowship and mission!

Prayer and Reflection Service

December 29th 10:00 am

Join us as we end the year with a time of prayer and reflection. This will be a wonderful time of praising God for what he’s done and looking forward to what’s ahead.

*Childcare for infants and toddlers available.