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Membership Process & Application

Why is church membership important?

  • At King’s Community, church membership is about purpose and priority. Being a member is a way to publicly declare your commitment to the mission, vision, and values of the church.
  • Church membership is a covenant relationship with other members to mutually support and encourage one another and use your time, talents & resources to serve one another in love.
  • Church membership places you under the spiritual protection and authority of godly leaders and provides the mutual accountability needed to grow in Christlikeness.
  • Church membership increases your impact by having the privilege of voting on important church decisions such as Elder team candidates, annual budget, and more.
  • As a church member you are committing to partner with fellow members of King’s Community to Bring God’s Story to Life.
King’s Community Membership Process

Step 1: You’ve completed the Membership Class
The class outlined our mission, vision, values, and the importance of membership, along with the 6 Commitments of Membership at King’s Community.

Step 2: Complete a Membership Application
Once you’ve completed the Membership Class, participants will be given a membership application. Applications, once complete, can be turned into Christina Enfield, Next Steps Director. The applications are reviewed by the Elder Team to confirm that the applicant meets the basic requirements for membership which include:
Showing an understanding of what it means to be a Christian and desiring to grow in their walk with Jesus
Showing a commitment to using their time, talents, and resources to advance the mission of Bringing God’s Story to Life
Desiring to grow in Community, Formation, and Mission

Step 3: Application submitted for approval by the Elder Team

Step 4: New Members installed and celebrated during a Sunday service