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Wherever you are in your journey with Christ we want to come alongside you and join in the journey together. We invite you to follow Jesus as He encourages, equips, and empowers you to bring God’s story to life here at King’s Community. 

Explore King's Community

If you're new to King's Community, we invite you to attend Explore King's Community. Explore is an opportunity to learn more about the mission, vision, and values of King's Community and ways you can take your next steps.

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Connect with Community

Group life is the primary way we encourage our people towards the kind of Biblical community that fosters spiritual growth. Get connected with community!

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Join a Dream Team

Our Dream Teams are groups of devoted team members and leaders who are bringing God’s story to life in meaningful, practical, and creative ways. A Dream Team is a place to serve God and others, learn and use your strengths, grow friendships, and help make disciples

Dream Teams

Membership Class

We believe that membership is a way for you to grow your impact and own the vision of seeing lives redeemed, families transformed, communities blessed and more churches planted. This class will help you learn more about our mission of Bringing God’s Story to Life. You will hear about who we are and what we believe.  Find information on the next Membership class below.

Membership Class


Baptism is a public declaration of your faith and new life found in Christ. After the initial transformation of salvation that happens when a person is saved, baptism is the outward demonstration of that transformation.

I want to be baptized

Child Dedication

Child Dedication is an opportunity to publicly commit to raising your child according to biblical teachings. But the best part? You’re committing to do it with your church family. We hold dedications every spring and fall.

I want to dedicate my child