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Sunday Morning

We know it can sometimes be unnerving to walk into a new environment, especially when there are many unknowns. We hope to ease your nerves by answering a few frequently asked questions below.

Some questions you may be asking...

  • What kind of church is King’s Community?

    King’s Community is a growing church that explores what it means to follow Jesus and play our part in bringing God’s story to life in Central Texas and around the world. We are a church that seeks to know God and live out the good news of Jesus.

  • What if I don’t normally go to church?

    Great! We desire to create an environment for those who are curious about God, but have never felt comfortable in church. We try to explain the different elements of the worship gatherings so that people don’t get lost along the way. We want King’s Community to be a place where you can learn, apply, and wrestle with who God is and what He wants for you. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t have it all figured out yet, we don’t either!

  • What are worship gatherings like?

    Worship gatherings at King’s Community are easy-going, but focused. We pattern our worship gatherings after the early church with teaching, prayer, and fellowship. We teach from the Bible. We sing, pray, and reflect. We respond by taking communion together. We seek to make our worship gatherings accessible for someone new to the Christian faith, and at the same time, fresh and meaningful for those who have been in the church for a long time.

  • What about my children?

    When you arrive on Sunday morning, you can check your child(ren) into King’s Kids table to the left of the main entrance. Infants through Pre-K are in children’s ministry during the entire worship gathering, while children in Kindergarten-5th Grade will be in the worship gathering with adults for the first part of the service. Our trained King’s Kids team will take care of your children and teach them about God in a fun and interactive way while you attend the worship gathering.

Now that you know what to expect, we’d love for you to join us this Sunday.